CO₂ conversions
Electrochemical CO2 & water electrolysis

The electrochemical conversion of CO2 to high energy density fuels
and valuable chemicals is generally considered a sustainable method
for reducing CO2 emissions and storing intermittent renewable electricity.
The overall CO2 electrolysis process is typically divided into two half-cell redox reaction:
CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER).
Therefore, our lab studies have been focused on developing efficient
electrocatalysts for OER and CO2RR.
Non-noble Metal based Electrocatalysts for CO2RR
The electrochemical reduction of CO2 using renewable electricity is an important future CO2-to fuels/chemicals process, which converts the greenhouse gas CO2 directly into useful chemicals, polymer precursors, and fuels, such as carbon monoxide (CO), acetaldehyde, ethylene, and ethanol. However, the CO2RR faces formidable obstacles with respect to commercialization due to its low efficiency and poor selectivity. Our research has been dedicated to identifying efficient and selective catalysts for CO2RR. Our studies highlight the need for a concomitant consideration of factors related to intrinsic catalytic activity of the active phase, its porous structure and its hydrophilicity/phobicity
to achieve a sustained high product yield