Effects of metal or metal oxide additives on oxidative coupling of methane using Na2WO4/SiO2 catalysts: Reducibility of metal additives to manipulate the catalytic activity
S. Gu, H. -S. Oh, J. W. Choi, D. J. Suh, J. Jae, J. Choi** and J. M. Ha*
Scientific Reports
A highly efficient Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se) 2 photocathode without a hetero-materials overlayer for solar-hydrogen production
Modification of electrodes using Al2O3 to reduce phosphoric acid loss and increase the performance of high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells
Preparation of Carbon Supported Nanosegregated Pt Alloy Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction Using a Silica Encapsulation Process to Inhibit Sintering Effect During Heat Treatment
Efficient synthesis of Pt nanoparticles
supported on hydrophobic graphitized carbon
nanofibers for electrocatalysts
using noncovalent functionalization
H. S. Oh, and H. Kim *
International Journal
of Hydrogen Energy
Effect of chemical oxidation of CNFs on the electrochemical carbon corrosion in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells